Gotham Gazette - Surveillance and the City: Online Bar Exam, Remote Learning Fuel In-Home Surveillance Op-ed, NYCAlbert cahnOctober 20, 2020bar exam, testing, covid-19, artificial intelligence
Verfassungsblog - ‘Keyword Warrants’ Make Every Search A Risk Op-ed, PolicingAlbert cahnOctober 15, 2020keyword warrants, police, surveillance
NY Daily News - The real anarchist jurisdiction is Trump’s Washington, D.C. Op-ed, NYCAlbert cahnSeptember 24, 2020New York, politics
The Guardian - A human wrote this article. You shouldn’t be scared of GPT-3 Technology, Op-edAlbert cahnSeptember 12, 2020artificial intelligence, technology
Fast Company - Telehealth has a hidden downside Op-ed, COVIDAlbert cahnAugust 24, 2020health, covid-19, technology
Pando - Silicon Valley is trying to create a new ‘antibody elite’ Op-ed, COVIDAlbert cahnAugust 12, 2020
NY Daily News - NYC’s COVID quarantine checkpoints are dangerous Op-ed, COVIDAlbert cahnAugust 7, 2020
Gotham Gazette - Surveillance and the City: Cuomo’s Covid Security Theater Op-ed, NYCAlbert cahnJuly 28, 2020COVID-19, surveillance, New York
The Boston Globe - The TikTok Backlash Is Hypocritical Op-ed, TechnologyAlbert cahnJuly 23, 2020TikTok, social media, technology, police, surveillance
The Daily Beast - Contact Tracing Might Become Cops’ Newest Surveillance Tool Op-ed, COVIDAlbert cahnJuly 19, 2020ICE, surveillance, police, covid-19
The Guardian - Did you protest recently? Your face might be in a database Technology, Op-edAlbert cahnJuly 17, 2020police, surveillance, NYPD, New York, technology
OneZero - Covid-19 Can’t Be an Excuse for Back-to-School Surveillance Op-ed, COVIDAlbert cahnJuly 9, 2020education, surveillance, schools, covid-19, technology
Fast Company - Microsoft needs to stop selling surveillance to the NYPD Technology, Op-edAlbert cahnJuly 2, 2020Microsoft, NYPD, surveillance, technology
New York Daily News: A long overdue curb on NYPD spying Op-ed, NYCAlbert cahnJune 16, 2020NYPD, surveillance, police, facial recognition
Gotham Gazette - Surveillance and the City: Contact Tracing, the NYPD’s Newest Spy Tool? Op-ed, COVIDAlbert cahnJune 15, 2020covid-19, contact tracing, NYPD, New York, surveillance, technology
Fast Company - The long, ugly history of how police have tracked protesters Policing, Op-edAlbert cahnJune 2, 2020police, facial recognition, surveillance
New York Daily News - What’s the real NYPD Budget? Nobody knows Op-ed, NYCAlbert cahnMay 29, 2020NYPD, police, surveillance
Daily Beast - COVID-19 Has Turned Paradise Into a Privacy Nightmare Op-ed, COVIDAlbert cahnMay 25, 2020privacy, surveillance, covid-19
Gotham Gazette - Surveillance and the City: Public Trust Needed for a Public Tracing System Op-ed, COVIDAlbert cahnMay 14, 2020surveillance, Andrew Cuomo, technology, covid-19, contact tracing